A black and white photo of Lizi Bedford
Lizi Bedford
Head of Studio
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A black and white photo of Sarah Cauchois
Sarah Cauchois
Managing Director, FPS
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a black and white photo of Lucy Killick
Lucy Killick
Chief Operating Officer, Film & Episodic
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A black and white photo of Lottie Cooper
Lottie Cooper
Global Director, Business Operations
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A black and white photo of Simon Devereux
Simon Devereux
Global Director, Talent Development
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A black and white photo of Anne Murphy
Anne Murphy
Global Director, Human Resources
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A black and white photo of Amy Smith
Amy Smith
Global Director, Recruitment & Outreach
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Default Profile Picture
Claire Price
Chief Financial Officer, FC3 Group
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A black and white photo of Stephanie Bruning
Stephanie Bruning
Global Director, Marketing
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A black and white photo of Alison Turner
Alison Turner
Global Director, Operations & Infrastructure
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