Deepfake Tech Presentation
Framestore Pictures Director William Bartlett worked closely with comedian Lewis MacLeod to craft the perfect performances driving deepfake videos of two of the most well-known world leaders for the Framestore LIONS Live keynote presentation.

William emphasises how: ‘it’s important to understand that creating a believable likeness is only partly about how someone looks. For the process to be successful, the driving performance must be a very good impersonation of the character you’re trying to mimic. This is just as important as the digital make up that we can apply in post-production.’
Comedian Lewis MacLeod was the perfect partner for this project, he’s well-known for his impersonations of both Boris Johnson and Donald Trump on shows such as Dead Ringers and Steve Wright in the Afternoon on BBC Radio 2.
The deepfakes were produced from home over a two and a half week period during lockdown. The team needed to make sure that Lewis was shot in a way that minimised the need for additional post-production. A green screen was delivered to Lewis who set it up to record his performance on an iphone whilst being directed by William via an additional screen.
Deepfakes and other AI-enhanced processes provide the opportunity for brands and advertisers to produce even more engaging and entertaining output for audiences. Working with the right director is key to getting the best possible results from which is why the experience of the directors at Framestore Pictures is so invaluable.