Ted 2
This project was completed by Method Studios in 2015. Method’s film and episodic teams in Montreal, Vancouver and Melbourne are now a fully-integrated part of Framestore.
Reteaming with production for this talking teddy bear follow-up, the creative studio drew on its work from the first film to push Ted’s personality even farther. To ensure audience engagement, artists kept the integration of Ted as realistic as possible, never appearing cartoonish, and paid close attention to comedic timing. Animators used motion capture data to guide Ted’s physical performance, which was refined and augmented through CG elements. Artists were also challenged to execute Ted’s interaction with his live action environment, such as when he sits on the couch, talks on the phone or passes a beer to his best friend. Additional work includes the opening cosmic zoom sequence, Ted’s wedding, a model of Boston complete with CG cars and pedestrians, photoreal CG geese and an elaborately choreographed Broadway number.